Marvellous Mentors
Our school is filled with incredible mentors. From Stella’s words of wisdom delivered alongside your break time pate to George’s words of encouragement as you battle algebra for the first time, Millgate staff understand the power of their determination, drive and belief.
I have personally been blessed with some incredible mentors in my life. My A level English teacher, who would let me post overdue essays through her front door during half term holidays, was responsible for giving me a nudge to change my university options from business studies and pursue my love of language. Over 20 years later, I’ve spent thousands of happy hours in classrooms teaching English Language and Literature. Just as she did all those years ago. I have been shaped too, as a teacher and school leader, by some wonderful and inspiring people who coaxed me through periods of doubt and encouraged me to be true to myself and brave.
Every member of our staff team is a mentor; their love and care is at the heart of the work we do. We have great coaches who build us up, ward off self-doubt, and encourage us to value and embrace ourselves. We, in turn, know that the children who come here are often brilliant mentors and those that haven’t yet built those skills are given every opportunity to learn how to care, love, listen and inspire others.
Our new curriculum was launched in February and we have dedicated an entire 8 week block of study to content that is underpinned by work that builds our students’ self-expression, tolerance, care and collaborative skill. It has been a joy to watch them mastering family food favourites in catering, relaxing into meditation and Tai Chi in PE and learning all about gender and sexuality in Pillars.
With 3 weeks to go before our parent and community assessment showcase events, I know that they will all be committed to creating pieces that highlight all the incredible learning they have done and what fantastic mentors they are.