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Last residential inspection: March 2024

  • Overall experiences and progress of children and young people, taking into account: Good
  • How well children and young people are helped and protected: Good
  • The effectiveness of leaders and managers: Good

"Children are hugely proud of their school and gave exceptionally positive feedback about how they enjoy spending time with staff and each other."

"Staff are dedicated and provide positive role models for children."


last inspection: December 2019

  • Overall effectiveness: Outstanding
  • The quality of education: Outstanding
  • Behaviour and attitudes: Outstanding
  • Personal development: Outstanding
  • Leadership and management: Outstanding
  • Overall effectiveness at previous inspection: Good

Pupils’ learning, safety and welfare are at the heart of Millgate School. Pupils know what ‘transforming lives and inspiring futures’ means for them. They rise to the challenges set for them, producing high-quality work. They know extra help is on hand when they need it. Pupils are proud of their achievements. 

Leaders are ambitious in their determination to prepare pupils for life and work as independent adults. Many pupils come into school following negative experiences. They settle very well. They enjoy lessons and understand that they can be successful if they work hard. Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Pupils enjoy the demanding work and do their very best. 

To view all of our Ofsted inspection reports, please click here.