The Lodge
The Lodge is a bespoke provision for highly anxious students with complex multiple needs, typically SEMH combined with ASD and Communication and interaction. These often include; extreme levels of anxiety with a range of other mental health disorders (OCD, eating, depression, Bi polar, paranoia), ASD selective mutism and sensory issues. These needs are frequently symbiotic and interwoven for example extreme levels of anxiety leading to a withdrawal from life leading to depression and a breakdown of family life leading to nonattendance. Their current schools, parents and LEA are striving to find a method and provision that can meet such a range of complex and interwoven needs. With an increasing need for school places for young people with significant anxiety, the Lodge provides a valuable addition to Leicester City’s offer..
The Lodge has been successful in meeting the needs of these students, improving their attendance, academic outcomes and reintegrating them back into more mainstream styled classes. Typically, Lodge student will arrive with a 0-25% attendance and 1 member of staff they are able to communicate with either verbally or non-verbally. If placed in Millgate , ( main school), they are unable to attend through anxiety, (typically of being in a group or witnessing SEMH behaviours), display behaviours that put themselves at risk of physical assault and are unable to communicate their basic needs. Their reaction to strategies that typically work with SEMH students can be extreme resulting in complete withdrawal and nonattendance. After a period within the lodge, typically 1 year to 3 years they can be integrated back into the main school.
This has been achieved by providing needs driven education in combination with graduated exposure. Where staff, the curriculum and methods of working are dominated by the individuals need. This can and does involve designing news methods and systems of working with each student and their family/significant others. Flexibility and adaptability within the structure and team is paramount.