In KS4 students work towards either the Arts Award Bronze or a BTEC First Award in Music.
BTEC in Music
For the BTEC in Music, students will need to study the music industry and put on their own music event such as an album launch or concert (Core Unit 1: The Music Industry and Core Unit 2: Managing a Music Product. They can then choose two optional units from the following:
Unit 3 – Introduction to Live Sound: Learning how to rig up hard ware for a live music performance and understand live sound engineering.
Unit 4 - Introduction to Music Composition: creating a piece of music to meet a brief
Unit 5 - Introduction to Music Performance: This includes recording your rehearsals and progress followed by a performance on an instrument such as the keyboard, guitar, drum kit, voice or ukulele
Unit 6 – Introduction to Music Recording: planning a recording session and using recording equipment to produce a multi-track recording.
Unit 7 – Introduction to Music Sequencing: producing their own music using Logic Pro X and sharing their skills.
Arts Bronze Award
For the Arts Award Bronze you will develop your music skills either as a producer or performer. You will research your favourite musician, watch and review performances and pass your skills on to others. You will make a plan and keep a record of what you do, videoing and recording your thoughts and what you have learnt. You do not get a grade/points for completing the Arts Award but it is a nationally recognised qualification.
As part of their KS4 studies students have the opportunity to perform in school and public events such as the Arts Shows, the Local Offer, events hosted by the Leicester-Shire Music Service, Winter Wonderland Show, and festivals hosted by other schools and colleges. Students have also enjoyed planning trips to and visiting local music providers, studios and going to see musicians such as Bugsy Malone, Akala, as well as live local bands, DJs and grime artists as part of their research.