Year 10/11 will be completing their GCSE Language and Literature exams and will have lots of reading and writing to do during the two years. We aim to do one GCSE per year and it changes each year with which is undertaken first. For Language GCSE, the boys will study newspaper articles, adverts, biographies, travel writing and fiction extracts. They will write creatively and for a transactional purpose and they will write for different audiences. They will complete a Spoken Language presentation on something that interests them and will engage in other discussions and role plays. For GCSE Literature, the boys will study either ‘Macbeth’ or ‘Romeo and Juliet’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, ‘Blood Brothers’ and fifteen poems from an anthology called ‘Power and Conflict’. (The anthology includes poems by William Blake, William Wordsworth, Wilfred Owen and Carol Ann Duffy.) They will be expected to write detailed analyses of the texts throughout the year.
For those of you who miss the beauty of the English classroom, listen to Patrick Stewart reading a Shakespeare Sonnet every day. You boys know how much I’m loving that! #ASonnetADay