W/b Monday 1st June
How does the Murder of George floyd (2020) compare to the beating of rodney king (1991)?
Watch the below videos on George Floyd's murder by a police officer on Monday 25th May 2020. Note the cause and effect elements of this video; police, public and those actively involved.
CONTENT WARNING: This content is difficult to watch.
Now watch the below footage of Rodney King's beating by police officers in 1991. How do the two events compare? What are the similarities? What are the differences?
W/b Monday 11th March
What does the case of Jack the Ripper tells us about the Crime and Justice system in the 1800s?
W/b Monday 14th March
See below the work to be researched BEFORE our Zoom call at 11am. Research using the links below to help you in creating an informed answer.
Question 1: 4 mark Question:
Question 2: 12 mark question:
Links to support you in your research:
W/b Monday 20th March
See below the work to be researched BEFORE our Zoom call on Tuesday 21st March. Research using the links below to help you in creating an informed answer.
Question 3: 8 mark question
Links to support you in your research: