SUraj's water bomb challenge!
You have until Monday 19th May to complete the challenge.
Prizes for the fastest built and biggest water bomb!
Send a video for the fastest time and a photo for the biggest water bomb to Suraj or Zuber.
Suraj's cardboard boat Challenge!
It's that time again and here is your next maths challenge which is the cardboard boat challenge. All details are in the document above.
You have until 11th May 2020 to complete the challenge.
There are prizes for the boat that can hold the most weight and the best looking! Watch the video below for more information and ideas.
Suraj's Marble Run Challenge!
- Deadline of Wednesday 29th April 2020. All details about the challenge are in the document above..
- There will be prizes delivered for the longest running and most creative marble runs.
- Once you have completed this and are happy with your final result, please send a picture/video to me or Zuber
You have been set challenges on MyMaths with you maths lessons - click on the image below to go to the MyMaths website and enter you user name and password details from school:
Try out the UK Mathematics Daily Challenge on Twitter by clcking the image below:
Please log into the following website and use this as your personal log in to complete the daily quiz